
Asaram Bapu, who?

Only two words escape my breath after listening to Asaram ji Bapu – Oh God, that too without the exclamation mark. I am sorry but I cannot give the guy more attention than he deserves, which in my world is nothing. I laughed a little too, considering it was funny to see who between Neelam Dubey, bapu’s spokesperson, and the CNN-IBN anchor will have the last word. I laugh and

Trouble with reforms

The reactions from the foreign investors were dismissive. The day the government set up the cabinet committee on investment (CCI) to fast-track infrastructure projects of over Rs 1,000 crore, the research head in a foreign brokerage house commented that “Isn’t this a typical Indian solution to tackle any problem? Will this not add another bureaucratic organization to the existing on

Internet emits 830 million tonnes of carbon dioxide yearly

Internet and other components of information communication and technology (ICT) industry annually produces more than 830 million tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2), the main greenhouse gas, and is expected to double by 2020, a new study has found. Researchers from the Centre for Energy-Efficient Telecommunications (CEET) and Bell Labs explain that the information communications and technolo

Really, Mr Ramesh?

Hours to go before the union government launches what is being touted as the ultimate game changer, Direct Benefits Transfer (DBT) – handing over cash for subsidies and other social welfare schemes directly in the Aadhaar-linked bank accounts of the beneficiaries – and yet little is known about it. Earlier called Direct Cash Transfer (DCT), this programme is supposed

Zee News booked, now book others

Joke 1: News channels flash ‘breaking news’. Why? Delhi Police arrived on time at a crime scene. Joke 2: Police would now get training from Domino’s guys in how to arrive at a crime scene within 30 minutes. Those are the jokes going around on social media soon after Zee News aired an interview with the Delhi gangrape and murder victim’s

Right said Rangarajan

C Rangarajan’s suggestion to increase the marginal tax rate on those with higher income will garner a lot of popularity. At first glance it seems to be a valid and well thought out suggestion. After all the rich are getting richer. They always did. But after liberalisation the pace at which the rich have gotten super-rich is astounding. The battle-scarred victor of many a fiscal war and c

Evil also comes in small packages

The justice delivery system in our country offers some protection to juveniles. Their identities are kept a secret, they are kept in rehabilitation homes away from dreaded criminals in jails, and they are dealt with softly to allow them scope to be better citizens in future. But these applications sound fine only when the magnitude of crime in question is small, in keeping with the off

Mr Neta, use brain before mouth when discussing women

After a common New Delhi woman — yes, a common New Delhi woman — who just wanted to watch a movie with her friend on a Sunday evening was raped and brutally assaulted by six men in a bus, a lot has been said, primarily by politicians, about the poor, the slum dwellers, and the migrants to the big cities. And their combined retrograde attitude toward women. The netas explaine

Coincidence and customer service

It is an amazing coincidence, but this is about the two C`s that matter to us most: customer service and coincidences. You know, about how Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy and Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln (or is it the other way around?). And how your call is important – not to Kennedy or Lincoln, but to customer service. Some coincidences have already become classic

A country devoid of character

December 29 in Indian history will go down as a day when the nation was shamed first in the eyes of its own people and then in Singapore when the 23-year-old Delhi girl succumbed to the brutalities meted out to her in a moving bus by six young men, who are neither beast nor human. An enraged nation is bruised and battered today with no explanation to offer to its people on the question: are we

Tewari ki Ferrari

Geography 101 taught us that winter solstice comes when the sun is at its lowest on the horizon. Around December 22-23, the Indian state dug itself into a similar hole. As the nation seethed over the gangrape of a 23-year-old medical student, each of us had our favourite Hades. Most blamed an apathetic, semi-literate, lecherous constabulary, and its chiefdom grown on courting

Signs of nervous British Raj in secret funeral

For a country whose history textbooks generate so much controversy (either allegedly too Leftish, a.k.a. the CBSE books, or purportedly too Rightish Hindu revivalist in BJP-ruled states), we learn little from history. Forget the textbooks; to take just one example, even Bollywood tells us that most freedom fighters were hanged early in the morning, and their bodies disposed of quietly w

Can braveheart’s death lead to birth of a new attitude?

There are times when a society discovers new meanings in existing idioms. The death of the 23-year-old, who was violated brutally by some youths on a Delhi bus, is one such moment that has now become an idiom. An idiom that will change a few things forever. I am convinced that it will be very difficult for the ruling class to dismiss these things and give tickets to candidates carrying

Death of Delhi gangrape victim: It`s time you fought back

Yes, we all have to something to say. She fought the good fight and died. In some ways, however gross that sounds, she has been relieved of pain. It also brings the death penalty on the table for the creeps who did this unspeakable thing. They took a life in cold blood. Now, pay for it. It kind of knocks the new year mood for a loop as our first response is one of h

High on ground realities, Abhijit cancels Mars trip

Was he, was he not? That’s the question of the day thrown up by ABP Ananda’s report on Abhijit Mukherjee’s gender sensitivity. Was he high? Was he not? While reports that Mukherjee has relocated to Mars after being too high proved to be rumours, unconfirmed reports said the vehicle he had booked for the trip had gone to the workshop. Yes, to get dented and p

Cash fights poverty better

The government of Delhi and the centre recently announced that they were ready for a partial transition from the public distribution system (PDS) to transferring cash to the poor. This decision once again opened up the debate about whether ‘food’ is better than ‘cash’, and whether this proposed move is simply one more right-wing, neo-liberal reformist measure aimed at di

`India ranks 40 among 50 most dynamic economies`

India has been ranked at a low position of 40 among 50 economies in the world in terms of "dynamism", which was topped by Singapore, in a list compiled by assurance, tax and advisory firm Grant Thornton. According to Grant Thornton`s Global Dynamism Index (GDI), India was ranked 40th among 50 economies, which were analysed on 22 indicators of dynamism. They were done a

Babumoshai, please brush up your dented ideas

At a time when his father, President Pranab Mukherjee, was trying to find a solution to women’s safety and trying to address the slightly violent streak the anti-rape demonstrations had taken over the weekend, his Member of Parliament son Abhijit Mukherjee tried to comprehend the nature of protests taking

‘Mr Abhijit Kherjee, keep your Mu silent’

At times, what are politicians for if not to provide fodder for a daily dose of mirth and musing? Welcome today’s benefactor then, ladies and gentlemen: Abhijit Mukherjee, a.k.a. Member of Parliament from Jangipur in West Bengal and better known as President Pranab Mukherjee’s son. No sooner had he made that eloquent comment today than the twitteratti took the attack straigh

Innovations across Himalayas

It is an extraordinary story of triumph of pragmatic economic interests of both the countries overtaking long-term historical problems and tensions. China has about 25 billion dollars worth of trade surplus with India which the Indian prime minister recently pleaded with Chinese leadership to reduce. But if we were to calculate the knowledge exchange index as a measure of global innovation lear

Visionary Talk: Amitabh Gupta, Pune Police Commissioner with Kailashnath Adhikari, MD, Governance Now


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