
April, 2010 the hottest month: NOAA

April, 2010 - temperatures soared to a new high as the month became the warmest ever in recorded history. A study released by the America’s climate agency the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said, “The combined April global land and ocean average surface temperature was the warmest on record at 14.5°C, which is 0.76°C above the 20th century average of

Have mercy, leave communal politics out of Afzal hanging

The more procedures, the less justice. Paraphrasing Cicero only states the fact, though, and does not even begin to unravel the sinister politics at the heart of the matter. The curious case of Mohammad Afzal, or Afzal Guru, is merely cloaked in procedures devised by ingenious governments in India to legitimise their designs to delay, thwart or subvert justice whenever they so choose. So Afzal

‘Water in Delhi has high level of contamination’

Are the residents of Delhi drink contaminated water? Yes, says a new survey. Contamination level is high even in potable water in Delhi, thus rendered unsafe for drinking, says the report released by Delhi based NGO Hazards Centre, Delhi. The study says that 38 samples had faecal contamination, 11 samples had iron above the permissible limit and 17 samples had arsenic above permissible limits.

On Afzal Guru, Dikshit doesn’t really matter

To be fair to Delhi chief minister Sheila Dikshit, who handles the home portfolio, a decision on the mercy petition of Afzal Guru was destined from the start and has been nothing but a political question requiring the attention of her ‘elders’. She doesn’t have any significant role to play here except to do her elders’ bidding. So her reported ignorance of the um

CWG brings no wealth for the commons!

The entire process related to commonwealth games has been marred with secrecy and unavailability of information, says the Housing and Land Rights Network in its latest report. It further says that India’s decision to bid for the games was not even discussed in the parliament. From the time of the bid to the allocation of budget, it seems lack of public participation and government

Nohria euphoria

A few hours after Indian newspapers (and the rare television channel which isn’t obsessed with TRPs!) got excited over the new, incredibly gifted, IIT-trained dean of Harvard Business School, the Financial  Times posted a sobering thought. “Amidst the euphoria, Indians generally celebrate the success of their overseas compatriots on the global stage, often equating the

A good doctor gives back

Just about everybody in Himachal Pradesh seems to have heard of Dasmal, a small village 170 km from the state capital and 10 km off the Shimla-Manali highway in Hamirpur district. It has neither inspired Rudyard Kipling, who came visiting the state every year during his stay in India, nor is it home to Ruskin Bond. Tucked away behind tall deodar trees in the foothills of the Himalayas, it is no

Welcome to coalition club

Nickeee Cleggg, Nickeee Cleggg, what a wonderful, wonderful name (sung to the tune of Nicky Arnstein from My Fair Lady). Forever written into in history for having changed it so dramatically and finally drawn the curtain on democracy’s mother parliament and her affection for bi-partisan sitting arrangements. They say it is rather like the first kiss, the first olive in the jar or k

India has not one city it can call healthy and clean: Ministry survey

None of the 423 class-I cities in India is “healthy and clean” in terms of various sanitation parameters, and 99 per cent of them suffer from poor or absent community toilets and safe management of human excreta, says a government-commissioned study published on Monday. Over 47 per cent of all cities ranked are found to be “needing immediate remedial action” in t

In defence of dissent

“The one who loves my Gujarat is my soul. The one who loves my India is my God.” With these lines from his poem Narendra Modi signed off his blog of March 28, a day after he faced a 10-hour interrogation from the Supreme Court-appointed Special Investigation Team (SIT). It was a characteristic Modi intervention. He ably deflected the attention to Amitabh Bachchan an

DU lecturers must get out of comfort zone

I had hardly got admitted to the Master’s degree programme in English, when the campus got abuzz with the news of the semester system being introduced in Jammu University. There were many apprehensions in the minds of students, particularly the student leaders. And these often took the form of agitations and dharnas, disrupting the even tenor of the academic activities on the campus. Fina

India slips in e-government scores

India which was ranked at 113 in the 2008 United Nations e-government survey has fallen by six positions this year. The 2010 survey which was released on Friday by department of economic and social affairs of the United Nations (UN) ranks India at 119. The report titled leveraging e-government at a time of financial and economic crisis as released by the UN. Republic of Korea takes the

If everything in life has a purpose, what is Backward Classes Bureau doing?

In a new survey done on the different government agencies around the world, the Backward Classes Bureau of India has emerged as “the most inappropriate government agencies” in a listing prepared by the US-based Foreign Policy journal website. Its study says that the name of the bureau “is a rather blunt designation for lower-caste Hindus and other disadvantaged religio

What if it were Connaught Place, not Times Square?

Hillary Rodham Clinton could not contain her apparent anger when she spoke out against Pakistan in a lexicon only the secretary of state of the world’s lone super power could dare to use to chilling effect. In an interview to a news channel Clinton threatened Pakistan of dire consequences had the Times Square bomb scare been more than just that. "We`ve made it very clear that if, hea

“This govt is eradicating the poor, not poverty.”

Surendra Mohan is perhaps is the only surviving socialist who can claim to have closely worked with Ram Manohar Lohia, imbibed and understood his leader’s anti-Congressism credo and its context. In a free-wheeling interview with Ajay Singh at his east Delhi home on a Sunday evening, he talks about Sonia Gandhi and the UPA’s “socialist and egalitarian&rdquo

Deciphering Sonia

A friend of mine once tried to work out the differences between the prime minister, Manmohan Singh, and the Congress party president, Sonia Gandhi. He said that it was more than a question of persona. A persona stands between mask and face, individual and role. Sonia Gandhi, he claimed, was an ecology. She was also a translator. If Singh represented government and economics, Sonia stood for gov

Why should RTI commissioners’ society get public funds?

On May 4th, 2010, Andhra Pradesh government sanctioned Rs 6 lakh to the state information commission as membership fee for the latter to join National Federation of Information Commissions in India (NFICI). Registered as a society over a year ago and headquartered in Hyderabad, NFICI is an association of information commissions (not commissioners) which is meant to be “a permanent

M S Jayalakshmi: Rebel with a cause

The setting swiftly transports you to the screen classic Sholay. In this landscape dotted with evocative rocky outcrop, you can hear the hair-raising thud of heavy boots punctuated by razor-sharp dialogue, all played out on a stereophonic soundtrack within the recesses of your mind. You shudder at the prospect of a close encounter with a Gabbar Singh, with a Sambha somewhere up there and an arr

`We are setting up two funds to promote energy efficiency`

Ajay Mathur, the director general of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), has been taking a number of initiatives to fulfill the mandate of his organisation. The bureau now plans to set up funds to help companies to get energy efficiency measures financed. Innovation centres are also being set up by the bureau to further the development of energy efficient products suited to

DU teachers have crossed the limits by delaying results of internal assessment

Delhi University Teachers Association (DUTA) and the management led by Vice Chancellor Deepak Pental obviously do not enjoy a cordial relationship, as is borne out by the recent confrontations between the two sides. So one should expect salvos fired from both sides. But using students as a shield or a weapon in this battle is crossing the limits of propriety – analogous to a violat

Visionary Talk: Amitabh Gupta, Pune Police Commissioner with Kailashnath Adhikari, MD, Governance Now


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