
Clue to tackling poverty in climate change: World Bank

The World Bank has warned that global temperatures could rise by four degrees this century without immediate action, with potentially devastating consequences for coastal cities and the poor. Issuing a call for action, the World Bank tied the future wealth of the planet — and especially developing regions — to immediate efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions from sources su

Blackboard and scalpel

When the central bureau of investigation (CBI) arrested the then head of the medical council of India (MCI) and the don of medical education in India, Ketan Desai, on corruption charges in 2010, the health ministry had a golden opportunity to bring in much-needed reforms in the system. On the other hand, the health ministry also fought a hard battle with the human resource development

India urged to switch on green light to green fuel

The recent electricity grid failure and severe power shortage due to rising electricity demand is a constant reminder that coal and other fossil fuels have no future, according to Greenpeace-India senior energy campaigner Abhishek Pratap. Addressing a programme to launch the second edition of Indian Energy Revolution in New Delhi on Friday (November 16), Pratap said, “Fossil fuel

“Marching orders at 10 pm is not a nice feeling”

Too much honesty, says Kautilya in Arthashastra, is not good; in the forests, straight trees are cut first. Who knows this better than Ashok Khemka, the whistleblower Haryana IAS who cancelled a land deal involving Sonia Gandhi’s son-in-law Robert Vadra and was hastily transferred? In the second week of October, India Against Corruption’s Arvind Kejriwal released to the med

Unidentical twins: A tale of two cities

In Delhi you hear people say - “Do you know who my dad is?” and in Mumbai – “You know which celebrity I saw today?” The differences run much deeper than that. From what we eat to what we breathe, from what we see to what we hear and the list goes on and on. Let’s sketch out the life in these two most important cities of India. If Delhi is gree

Service guarantee law: governance game changer?

Not many years ago the Harvard economist Lant Pritchett called India a “flailing state” for its gigantic failures to implement programmes and policies crucial to maintain public trust in governance. According to Pritchett, “In police, tax collection, education, health, power, water supply—in nearly every routine service—there is rampant absenteeism, indifference, i

Healthy move

Some good news for those fighting high healthcare expenses: the drug controller general of India’s (DCGI) office under the health ministry has asked all state drug departments to grant licences to drug companies only on generic drug names and not on brand names. This move, if implemented in letter and spirit, will drastically slash retail prices of drugs, making healthcare afforda

Six states to achieve MDG 4 by 2015

Six states - Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal are likely to achieve their millennium development goal (MDG) 4, which aims to reduce under-five mortality (U5MR) by two thirds, by 2015. This is one of the conclusions of ‘The Infant and Child Mortality India’ report released by the National Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), Indian Co

6 states to achieve MDG 4 by 2015

Six states - Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal are likely to achieve their millennium development goal (MDG) 4, which aims to reduce under-five mortality (U5MR) by two thirds, by 2015. This is one of the conclusions of ‘The Infant and Child Mortality India’ report released by the National Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS), Indian Co

Toying with ideas

Education is not just about learning facts or developing logical skills. It is also about empathy, imagination, inclusivity, collegiality and playfulness. It is not surprising that a large number of children who may be academically bright feel lost when faced with situations of ambiguity, ambivalence and uncertainty. The IGNITE competition is organised by the National Innovation Foundat

RTE Act: targets met and what remains

The newly appointed HRD minister MM Pallam Raju has ensured that the deadline set under the Right to education (RTE) Act will not be extended. While addressing the Central Advisory Board of Education (CABE) meeting, Raju said, “We should push harder for meeting the set deadline”. Although Raju’s assurance is a positive sign, it is equally important to be realistic abou

Now Showing: Kill Bill, Version Mulayam

That Mulayam Singh Yadav is opposed to Women’s Reservation Bill is not new. In 2010, he vociferously opposed the Bill saying if passed it would fill parliament with women who invite catcalls and whistles. His comment invited criticism from all parties and they sought his apology for insulting the fair sex. It’s 2012 now, and the leader seems to have undergone a change of heart. His

India’s financial regulator at loggerheads!

At the height of the ongoing world-wide recession, the Fed chief Ben Bernake’s shocked appearances used to discourage us all, who so far didn’t stop believing in the might of otherwise a foregone power-‘central banks’. The current case of RBI chairman D Subbarao is not much different. His contagious ‘smile’ translates into nothing much than an invisible &lsqu

The dispensables

In days of widening income inequality, Abraham Lincoln`s phrase, `government of the people, by the people and for the people`, can be safely reversed. Government of the rich, by the rich and for the rich. In the Indian context, it hold truer than ever. Consider this: between 8 and 16 November, a significant population from the national capital travels to Bihar to be with their families in their

Can India learn from Obama’s victory and style of governance?

It may not be possible in every country’s political situation to win national elections by becoming a defender of the aam aadmi, but it seems that Indian leaders, especially the young and dynamic Rahul Gandhis, can learn a lesson from how the young American leader, Barrack Obama, clinched his second election victory by doing just that – listening to and working for the American midd

What big India can learn from tiny Lucerne

You know a city takes public transportation seriously when it houses one of the world’s most comprehensive transport museums. Not many would have heard of Lucerne. It’s in Switzerland and the baby sister of Zurich. It’s smaller than an average Indian megapolis. A sense of proportion is necessary when comparing cities and drawing lessons from one and implementing it in the othe

“India is driving transformation at a much larger scale”

Uschi Schreiber is the global government and public sector leader for Ernst & Young and is based in Hong Kong. In this role, she manages EY’s consulting business with governments around the world. She leads teams across mature and emerging markets providing advisory, audit, transactional and taxation services to government and public sector clients. Schreiber spoke to Samir Sachdeva o

Reading Obama’s lips

The US president and Democratic Party candidate Barack Obama quashed early prediction of photo-finish against his rival Republican candidate Mitt Romney by sealing a comfortable win for his second term. At the dead of night on November 6 in America, as the poll results gave Obama a clear win, the curtain fell on the long US election year. As Barack Obama retains the White House,

Internet in Andamans

I just came back from almost the northern most tip of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Diglipur, where I had gone researching for a story. A 300 km distance took me 12 hours by bus and by boat and left me spent at the end of the day. However, none of that is important. Out of the 36 hours that I was out of Port Blair, I got cell phone reception for only 12 hours (in Diglipur) and in

Go ahead, hug yourself

Only connect, said EM Forster; he might just as easily have said ‘only communicate’ (or for that matter ‘only one at a time’, but that need not detain us here). Where was I? Ah yes. Only connect, or communicate. People connect (and communicate) in different ways. Haven’t we all got friends who give the impression that if you tied their hands up they wouldn&

Visionary Talk: Amitabh Gupta, Pune Police Commissioner with Kailashnath Adhikari, MD, Governance Now


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