
Keeping the Lokpal at bay

The dirty tricks department of the Congress and the government it leads is out in the full force. Look at the speed with which it has acted to discredit Anna Hazare and his associates in the drafting committee on Lokpal bill personally. The real motive is to discredit the anti-corruption crusade and through it, the move to set up the Lokpal. In quick succession, property deals an

Rape and rehabilitation

Congo, a central African country, recently got its first rehabilitation centre, called `City of Joy`, for rape victims. Congo is ripped with ethnic conflict and mass rape has been a characteristic of the eastern part of the country, reports Reuters. According to the United Nations estimates, at least 160 women are being raped every week in Congo`s eastern provinces of no

Delhi slums say no to cash transfers

Delhi government’s proposal for cash transfer instead of providing rations through public distribution system (PDS) has no takers in the city`s slums. “Ninety – nine percent of Delhi’s slums want an improvement in the PDS system and not cash transfer,” said a new survey. This report came in the wake of Delhi government’s proposal for replacing

The fight has just begun

Anna Hazare ended his hunger strike by lauding the victory of the people and stated that the real fight begins now. One can say with reasonable certainty that the fight Hazare was referring to had perhaps nothing to do either with the controversy that has emerged regarding the constitution of the joint committee or with the crossfire being exchanged between the opposition party, the ruling gove

Co-relation with corruption

Start with the premise that we are all corrupt. Everyone of us. If we don’t do that, we can never win. It is just that we are petty in our corruption so we resent it when the experts rake it in and we don’t. Corruption is an absolute. You cannot be partly corrupt, like you cannot be partly pregnant. So, whether you buy a cinema ticket in black or get your administrative pa

Withdrawing support to Anna

Dear Anna, I saw you on TV sitting at Jantar Mantar. You were on a fast that time. How are you now? I would like to congratulate you for creating a sense of awareness among people and making them stand for themselves. I too kept a fast on the very first day of the movement. But, I am sorry, I discontinued it. You must be thinking “why?” Anna, let me clarify my stand

PRS legislative on the Lokpal Bill

PRS Legislative, a Delhi-based thinktank dissects the Lokpal Bill for us while commenting on engaging policy-makers and providing a context in retrospective context for the Anna Hazare protest and it draw for the middle-class. Here are the relevant links. All about the Lokpal Bill

1.5 billion people globally affected by violence: WB

About 1.5 billion people, more than a fifth of the world’s population, live in countries hit by repeated cycles of violence, pushing their poverty rates up by more than 20 percentage points compared with other nations, says a World Bank report. Fixing the economic, political, and security problems that disrupt development and trap fragile states in cycles of violence requir

AIDS getting feminised in India and globally: UNAIDS

While India has successfully managed to stem the HIV/AIDS crisis, women in the country and worldwide are fast becoming the most victimised by the disease. HIV/AIDS is getting more feminised, a study by UNAIDS has pointed out. “27 million Indian women each year are pregnant and deliver in India, out of which about 1,20,000 (one hundred twenty thousand) women are thought to be HIV p

Anna can go one up on JP and VP

Anna Hazare’s sitting on indefinite fast in Delhi has galvanised the middle class, which is most vocal against corruption but also the one responsible for most corruption in this country. Corruption is a very contentious issue. Our morals tell us to oppose it but for convenience we often make a compromise, always giving ourselves the benefit o

How Jantar Mantar made me a concerned citizen

Like hundreds of people, I too went to Jantar Mantar, where Anna Hazare is on an indefinite fast protest. Like many of those people going to Jantar Mantar, I too am not an activist, neither a journalist nor an intellectual. I would not describe myself as a “concerned citizen” either - just a young professional. But now I am beginning to think like `a concerned citizen`.

Anna, an anarchist?

Anna Hazare’s fast-unto-death against corruption has, predictably, unnerved many. The ruling clique is annoyed but has used mild language to denounce him. The spokespersons of the Congress, which leads the UPA government, have described the fast as “unnecessary” and “premature”, never mind 42 years of prevarication in setting up a Lokpal that Anna wants to

Pledge on world health day

April 7 is World Health Day. It is shocking that government spending on health remains less than two per cent of the GDP in a country with some of the worst indices on health. For instance, India has the highest number of children dying in the world: approximately two million children under the age of five die every year in India of diseases and conditions that are easily preventable and e

What Anna Hazare wants

The indefinite fast by 72-year-old social activist Anna Hazare is the beginning of a new phenomenon, which is, insistence of the civil society to have a decisive say in the way laws and policies are framed and finalised in the country. His fight is as much to bring about this shift as to fight corruption. For quite some time, civil society activists, including some of the Na

Pledge on world health day

April 7 is World Health Day. It is shocking that government spending on health remains less than two per cent of the GDP in a country with some of the worst indices on health. For instance, India has the highest number of children dying in the world: approximately two million children under the age of five die every year in India of diseases and conditions that are easily preventable and easily

"Government is misleading the whole nation"

The government has said that it cannot form a joint committee with civil society members as part of it, because they represent neither legislature nor executive. Your response? This is rubbish. The government is misleading the whole nation. We have given them at least ten precedents where a joint committee drafted a bill. We are not saying that the joint committee will

What Anna Hazare wants

The indefinite fast by 72-year-old social activist Anna Hazare is the beginning of a new phenomenon, which is, insistence of the civil society to have a decisive say in the way laws and policies are framed and finalised in the country. His fight is as much to bring about this shift as to fight corruption. For quite some time, civil society activists, including some of the Nationa

Taxing the men in blue

The Indian captain may be receiving a gleaming red Ferrari 599. But as he plans to scorch the streets of Ranchi, his financial planners would be well advised to apportion 30 per cent of the estimated $600,000 price tag as income tax. That’s a cool Rs 1-crore by way of tax that MSD will have to pay under Section 56 of the Income Tax Act (ITA) for the custom-built gift, as income from other

What after Gaddafi?

There has been a great deal of debate around how should have the international community responded to the Libyan situation? Differences arise because there isn’t a consensus that may legitimately be termed "international". A few major powers support the military intervention but then there are other nations that have condemned it and called for a ceasefire. India is one of them

Visionary Talk: Amitabh Gupta, Pune Police Commissioner with Kailashnath Adhikari, MD, Governance Now


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