A brief discourse on television media in India

How to make the television media better


Sarthak Ray | December 1, 2010

Media and journalism has undergone and experienced a dynamic transformation over the last 20 years or so. Ever since the arrival of the satellite television network the move has been towards widespread entertainment from previous trend of information mainly due to the demands of modernisation and the by and large individualist life pattern of the current times. Certainly some degree of change with time is a progressive shift. However, blending the needs of the present times with the time tested foundations of the past would go a long way in building a better future for the highly competitive young and middle-aged people who will drive the country's economy in the coming years. India is a major growing world economy and the eastern parts of the country have the potential to witness extensive investment in every possible area. However, by and large most portion of the population is unaware of various openings and usually cannot exercise their selection powers in an appropriate manner. As a result, there is a stable purchasing power available but this is not refined to connect this part of the country (eastern region) with similar economic flow and developmental activities going on in the other parts of India. This area needs attention in order to remodel the region and assist in the overall growth of the entire area and its people. A quick example that comes to mind is that of advertisements. There are hundreds of choices for a consumer in every product today, hence usually a consumer looks at the economic angle and decide to move ahead with a purchase. In this context a weekly programme showcasing the launch of new products with their positive and negative qualities would serve as an eye opener for the common people. In keeping with the above trend in mind I give below a few humble insights that most likely would assist in reconstructing the strong cultural and traditional heritage of India by incorporating the useful and appropriate waves prevalent in the present urban and speedy times. The door to the world both immediate surroundings and further outwards in every household is the television along with print media. Within this scope the premier programme or channel are those dealing with news telecast. Few useful ways by which the concept of news telecast can be improved are given below for a round of discussion and perspective. 

  • There is an old phrase that considered the view about giving a good news first followed by bad news has a positive impact on viewers. However, this excluded that fact that on certain occasions few urgent news information of national or international significance must be shown initially even though they may not carry good news.
  • Talk shows with the following group of individuals are extremely useful during these rather hectic days - actors and actress, sportsmen and women, doctors, careers consultants, family consultants, heads of university, teachers, religious teachers, IAS officers to name just a few.
  • Assist in strengthening the levels of motivation.
  • Improve unhealthy lifestyles.
  • Information about career movements.
  • Ways to market oneself in the jobs arena.
  • Address various issues to uphold family life in the present times with a balance of new and old value.
  • Understand about trends in the field of education and the benefits for the society.
  • Impact and role of religion to strengthen the Indian society with blend of new and old principles from the scriptures to make an improved foundation in a highly inter connected and globalised world.

Direct and indirect role of administrative service officers including law keepers like police and lawyers in motivating the growth of a progressive and revisionist society. Out of the box talks with marginalized people with minor jobs like rickshaw pullers, bus drivers and conductors, other drivers, cobblers, small scale shop owners like tea stall, hawkers, food stall, pan shops, flowers shops etc would additionally give a fresh and dynamic outlook towards achieving a progressive and stable society. This could also open up doors towards new ideas and concepts. Short and concise shows / capsules relating to various fields can be extremely useful in attracting a good viewer ship and educating the masses. These refer to Agriculture round up, Cinema and Music round up, Crime reporting, Sports round up, Economy round up, Health and lifestyle round up, environmental round up, Science and technology round up, Climatic / weather forecast and showcasing various tourist attraction points in and the entire eastern region. Short and concise episodes relating to the status of various industries in the entire eastern region. A talk show with the students of IIT and other such institutions with a view of getting a perspective of the economic, industrial and various other general trends of the eastern region in particular and India in general would certainly highlight the needs of the current times. Updates and events from various states in North east (Including Bihar and Jharkhand) within an episode would serve as a positive step forward to unite the unfolding of activities and create awareness beyond the main business district. Forest reserves in North East India. An episode showcasing the terrain, people and economy of the region In line with these episodes a programme can be made to educate people on how to deal with life and property during earthquakes, floods, fire, storm, mob violence etc. Information episode dealing with release of new books in the land of RN Tagore, BM Barooah and many others would create a sense of exclusivity for the channel. Archive episodes dealing with unforgettable matches played at various stadiums across the country would serve as another way to showcase these beautiful structures and increasing follower ship towards the games/sports. Life prospers along a river and in case of India there are numerous famous rivers which have contributed towards the development of the people. What exactly is the status of the areas along these rivers. A study based brief episode on this issue would restart the often forgotten debate about the importance of water bodies. Now a days as recession has reached an alarming level, people need useful information on travel and tourism in order to utilize their holidays with family and friends. In this connection a weekly update holiday package on offer would certainly assist in decision making process. The hectic lifestyles being followed by the people these days require a balanced diet; as a result there is an urgent need for information of food stuff that would compliment the rush hour life. Discussion with leading diet specialist both regular and organic would definitely help individual families to regularize their food intake. In continuation of this area another sphere that requires feedback to viewers is that of health care facilities available and expenditure involved. Brief episodes to educate and inform the younger generation about the negative impact of excessive drinking, smoking, pan, tobacco intake, drugs and late night parties would certainly go a very long way in building the foundation of an advancing society. Major cities of India are also an educational and industrial hub. Students and executives residing from other parts of the country have contributed towards the developments and progress of cities like New Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Ahmedabad, Jaipur to name just a few. A small survey to understand and reflect upon their views and comfort ability would serve as an eye opener and create an environment for influx of more students and executives to name a few from the cross section of society. Tourism has been a major industry in India and recent years have seen a rise in the number of foreign tourists. Inviting such tourists to the studio and giving them an opportunity to express their experience would not only assist in increasing the flow of tourist but further the viewers / residents living in India would see and hear their stories and can rectify areas whereby outsiders visiting have in any way felt uncomfortable. In relation to industries the thrust could be in developmental activities. Numerous types of construction, involving innovation, invention that has out grown in recent times. Such information assists in a large scale viewer ship as the interest level of people are highly involved. Further relating to Industrial developmental and status, the scope can be spread towards agricultural sector as well. In fact India forms as important agricultural hub of the world. For example, the Tea cultivation in Assam and numerous other such cultivation related states. An insight about the areas, people involved, expenditure involved, price realized and future prospects in terms of quality and quantity. Such programmes have the ability to motivate other farmers and who knows another agricultural revolution might be witnessed in the country. Another contextual areas pf positive reporting is the contribution of various NGO’s in uplifting the neglected aspects of society. Interaction with such groups would educate the masses maybe create scope for improvement in these groups. By an large the country is poverty ridden and unless poverty is tackled in a proper way then actual progress is only artificial. Covering school and college festival not only provide the much needed life to the students and teachers but most importantly an insight is received from these festivals about the likely trend in terms of future flow of talented people. What are the areas where the youth of today see a shining future. Connectively these data can be co-related with 5 years plans made by the state and central government agencies. The best way to get a glance on the mind of the youth is by studying the themes for any particular festivals and there after unfolding further queries. Sanitation and water supply from a very critical aspect in the growth of a large cities. Small episodes giving insights into the functioning of these organization and developmental works compared to previous years will give the much required boost to the workforce in addition to informing the viewers of the current state of affairs. Cities in India have grown leaps and bounds. However, this growth has also attracted various problems like pollution due to an alarming rise of motor cars and buses. Size of roads has not increased compared to the load of transport. As a result question asked these days are centering on how these issues can be dealt with. Additional Issues such as these and domestic violence, family queries, job related problems, consumers issues need to be highlighted more in new telecasts so that the large population of people can prepare themselves to adequately voice the opinion and relate to other in similar situation. State capitals are important zones, so obviously all the departments of state government and central government various administrative machinery under the numerous separate ministries looking into the smooth running of a state are located in the state capitals. A glance at the functioning of these agencies, problem faced, and developmental work done and like wise information that the public certainly want to know about would improve viewer ship and scope for healthy discussion. India being a democratic nation with 28 states and 7 union territories is a political potboiler specially since getting a permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council. As the elections are conducted a series of discussion on the actual achievements of the present ruling party compared to the other ideologies would not only serve as a food for thought to the people of the country but also inspire people to participate in creating a new India. In line with the World cup football held recently in South Africa, Commonwealth Games in India and Asian Games in China and discussion with eminent personalities, like wise the upcoming events can be showcased to identify India’s chances. In fact major tournaments (World Cup, Asia Cup, Olympics) could be capsule to generate discussion in order to improve viewer ship, increase interest levels among young students and set up an environment for healthy competition. Similarly national sporting events should also get some mention in the motion picture medium to improve motivation levels. Experts’ discussion on these events gives rise to more participation (i.e. Santosh Trophy, Ranji Trophy and various others. Extra curricular activities carried out by individuals normally do not get a mention. In line with this reflection a series of chapters showing the functioning and works of various schools can be shown. For example, stage drama, arts, music schools, creative writing workshops, trekking workshops, locals handicrafts, statue making small scale industry. The eastern part of India or probably India as a whole has suffered huge losses due to wastage in day light hours. The most debated topic has been the setting up of a different time zone for the region. This means advancing the clock by one hour to achieve optimum utilization of day light. A discussion on this issue with the people from different walks of life would not only make people aware but also create a positive opinion. At a glance certain other topics and issues that require analysis, debate and possibly a line of verdict is given below. It is clear that these are issues of the current times that need attention. Over population, Changes in the family structure, Anxiety among the younger generation due to competition and dependence on internet like excessive use of social networking sites, Lack of recognition towards the role of housewives. Non-utilization of experienced retired persons to assist in social stabilization. Excessive target oriented work pressure resulting in breakdown of performance and lack of time towards family obligations, this is a professional issue faced by executives, Educational issues - performance oriented curriculum resulting in pressure for young students, Lack of importance to sports activities, Economic issues – rise in prices of land, housing, essential (food, clothing and articles), fuel and general increase in cost of running business. How can the administration and individuals address these issues to improve the state of affairs, Political issue – Inability of the political organization to follow their ideology.To what extent is the constitution of India applicable in today’s circumstances compared to the founding days, Eradicating vested interest politics and addressing issues in a more wholesome manner, Technological: non-stop innovation and up gradation of modern gadgets like television, motor cars, aircrafts, household appliances, mobiles and other such products. During a period of rising prices does it make sense to spend on research and developmental and further escalate the price war, Sports: Developments of sports facilities in the world’s 2nd most populated country, Health: Health care needs for a developing nation like India in general and eastern in particular, General: Terrorism, corruption, environmental degradation, global warming, religious systems and their positive role in building a superior and recommended world order, Growth of rural areas creating positive self sufficient model with stable society and integration with modern developments, Effects of Indian cinema and television entertainment in the current times. The subjects of movies and programmes, acting displayed, the underlining message, positive and negative attributes. Do we have a scope of refinement with old ideas and new.

Essential services:

All utility services available in a city does require a study and regular feedback to assist people and administration. Services and organization like electricity, cooking gas, fuel and blood banks to name a few. Electricity: Giving brief insight about generation, effort involved, cost incurred grievances of both customers and providers if any. Natural Gas supply giving insight about manufacturing procedure, costing, availability against usage and future trend. Fuel – One of the most essential ingredients of modern life, insight regarding the refinery processes and the resultant quality and quantity available. In India, the government imports fuel to supply the countries needs this requires to be highlighted to the masses. As a result wastage would be minimized and pollution would also come down. Milk – The processes involved in packaging and distribution. This would improve to awareness among customers. Blood Banks – The system of storage, collection, pricing and purity. These days as blood is required in hospitals in large quantities, the utilizing masses most have adequate knowledge about the blood being supplied / purchased. Airlines, railways, roadways, (trucker association), taxi’s and bus company (both private and public). These are the most essential services for transportation in India. Discussions to build awareness and feed public opinion on the services would be highly beneficial. Problems faced by passengers and commuters, difficulties faced by operators, feedback on how these services can be improved to match the standards in developed countries. Certain parts of the country like the entire North east region require a proper taxi service both internal and external with a fee structure. Shorts episodes with eminent sportsmen and women give tips and suggestions about the finer skills. Primary sports like Cricket, Football, Tennis, Badminton, Volleyball, Basketball, Running (Track & Field), Swimming, Boxing, Weightlifting to name just a few. Such programmes would increase the viewer ships of students and youngsters and if they are shown in the evening then they would utilize their time and exchanging notes. The concept of rehabilitation centers though indeed is a very good way to realign people in mainstream society these days. However, the functioning of these organizations need to be properly monitored in order to ensure that a degree of humanity is applicable to safeguard core relationships. As we have entered the jet set age where most proceedings are through email and video conference therefore a discussion to reintroduce certain amount of formal letters would certainly assist in recreating a sense of progression and blend of new and old practices. Tour of the famous historical cities in India and some of the best eating restaurants and places of interest would be an ideal way to show cases the beautiful region. Rural to urban migration has a large workforce of men / women workers who come from the outskirts of the city to earn a living through semi organized domestic help. Do these workers get the right remuneration in line with the recession period? How can they play a positive role in the upliftment of society, are their problems answers broader questions of urbanization. Issues are many but the core of an advancing society lies in optimum utilization of resources, constructive educational stability, family structure upliftment, business with ethical standards and corporate social responsibility, job creation with an effort to channelise human resource in a positive direction, For example, when an advertisement is published for recruitment then usually the number of applicants are very large. However, only a few get selected and while others leave disappointed. Return interviews are never done for the unselected or second batch of applicants. It is necessary to give a fresh date and allow the unselected candidates another opportunity so that they remain motivated and maintain focus which is an essential need. Last but not the least promotion of acceptable and suitable values with the correct mix of smooth and rough aspects of modern living. The role of the media in the way of integrating the society and uplifting the level of modernization by not totally disturbing the social structure is the need of the hour. The advent of the 21st Century has bought various vagaries affecting the social fabric of people, these have to be understood and assimilated in order for security and progress. Contents of the western media presentations do have a very high viewer ship as they are working on a structured policy of subjects based on fixed and larger concepts. In India it certainly seems that a policy is not that prominent though topics and range of subjects are plenty. Today’s population has a very high expectation towards television media and in laying the foundation of a good Indian society that can serve as a motivation and comparative institution for the world. The affects of globalization need to be adequately reflected in current context.



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