
Let us not do Politics over history

I t is over fifty years since Lieutenant General Henderson Brooks and Brigadier Prem Bhagat submitted their report on the Indian army’s performance in the war against China. Yet going by the response to parts of the report recently released by Neville Maxwell, it feels almost as if we are back in 1963. Much of the commentary on the report eerily echoes the post-mortems performed in the im

Eclipse at Noon

[Here is the text of the 15th D P Kohli Memorial Lecture Gopalkrishna Gandhi delivered on April 15 in New Delhi. Courtesy:] I am grateful to Sri Ranjit Sinha, Director CBI, for giving me this valuable chance. And I take this opportunity

Surprise: aam does not mean garib!

I own a house close to the Metro station in Vaishali, Ghaziabad. It’s just a kilometre from Anand Vihar – the ISBT and railway station in east Delhi – and about 15 km on road from Connaught Place, the heart of the national capital. It’s less than half an hour by the Metro; add about 10 minutes for New Delhi railway station Noida, the other hub of the capital region (NCR)

Beyond fixed tenure

Fixed tenure for civil servants is now a part of the All-India Service Rules. The supreme court’s judgement on stability of tenure for civil servants was based on the expectation that insulating them from political interference will lead to efficient service delivery and increased efficiency. This takes a simplistic view of the institutional dimensions of governance, and the desired resul

How information became a right

Bruce Colville, well-known American writer of children’s books, said, “Withholding information is the essence of tyranny, control of the flow of information is the tool of dictatorship.” It will be democratically incorrect to be associated with tyranny and dictatorship. Our government offices are abuzz with tête-à-tête about the Right to Information (RTI) Ac

Humans need new logic for micro-drones

There is a tiny division in the massive Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the US. Its size doesn`t denote its importance, or the flurry of activity that’s besieged it recently. The unit, called the unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) office, is mandated by Congressional law to map, document and track all unmanned aerial vehicle flying in American airspace by September 2015. The fl

Bank at every doorstep

Any kind of growth cannot be sustainable until it is inclusive, that is to say, every section of the society is prospering. It was with this realisation that the concept of financial inclusion (FI) dawned in India. FI is often misunderstood to be limited to banking but it is much more than that. To begin with, it is about reaching out to every household with three banking services &nda

Expedience and the sanctity of the written word

In the early eighties, after completing my post-graduation, I was looking for a job. Journalism was not one of them till I fell in love with a newspaper called The Telegraph published from Calcutta (it was not Kolkata then). Under the stewardship of its dynamic young editor MJ Akbar, The Telegraph was certainly out of the ordinary. Unlike the Delhi-based national newspapers that used to practis

The `riot` game!

Those who instigate riots know the rule to be `fireproofed`—and to thrive on dangerous fundamentals. Beyond such calculated moves, the sufferers and their humane observers live in oblivion. Quite often, we see the frail silent image of Manto hanging on wall and his literatures meeting disdained responses, likewise as: I`ll fly all from here--not to listen, these are at service, always at

Missing: custodians of our nation

A friend of mine has sent me a one liner. India’s choices for the elections are between a bluffer, a duffer and a muffler. It isn’t very funny, but it is tragically valid. In a nation of 1.2 billion people we have no men and women of stature, people who can walk tall and make you admire them. Instead, it is all clay feet and straw. Ever since Jawaharlal Nehru talked about &

Analyse this: who is a spoiler in polls?

Let`s analyse the elections, I told Tuki. Yeah, let`s analazyzize, she shot back, pumping her fist in the `cholbe na cholbe na` fashion that is so unfashionable these days. So we decided to do what we are best at: we began analysing, complete with a bowl and scowl – a bowl of potato chips to give us that gravitas of analysing and decoding couch potatoes and a scowl on the respective foreh

Change in voter`s psyche

i) Earlier it was "image", now it is "hope": Earlier, the elections were won on image of the party or the leader. So initially many royal families also used to win elections. Now what sells in the electoral space is the hope.  India predominantly is a Hindu country as far as the “way of life” definition of Hinduism holds true. So the

Censorship as placebo

Censorship in India has of late become too depressingly common to be surprising. The latest victim is an award-winning documentary film, No Fire Zone: The Killing Fields of Sri Lanka, a portrayal of the last few months of the violent civil war in Sri Lanka. Last week, the Central Board of Film Certification declared it would not grant the film a certificate to allow it to

Why does Ambedkar need Roy`s patronage?

The introduction of Arundhati Roy’s ‘annotated’ version of Ambedkar’s The Annihilation of Caste, The Doctor and the Saint was published in this month’s Caravan magazine as the cover story. It is heartening to see Ambedkar being considered saleable enough by a leading publication. But how? Roy, even best produces a secondary understanding of the text written

A guide to the Whistleblowers Protection Bill

Background In August 2010 the Government of India tabled a Bill in the Lok Sabha seeking approval for a legal framework whose objective is to protect persons making a disclosure about wrong doing in State agencies. Given India’s recent history of victimisation including murders of honest and upright public servants who dared to make a confidential disclosur

The rise and the fall of aam aadmi

On the day the results of the Delhi election were announced, I wrote an article, Redefining Aam Aadmi (read it here), to mark the turning point in India’s political history. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) had rapidly achieved remarkable results among Delhi citizens in promoting trust, solidarity, and hope a

Skill Development in India: Big Promises, Tall Failures

The globalised world demands skilled manpower to convert growth opportunities into jobs and stable incomes. With millions of new job-seekers entering the job market every year, skill development has become one of India’s urgent priorities. The 12th Five Year Plan (FYP) has highlighted skill-building as an imperative need to reap India’s so-called demographic dividend. India

Helping the rich with cash

Batch after batch, in teaching corporate social responsibility at management institutes, I have egged students to debate the misplaced sense of social responsibility in the way government uses its oil companies in its efforts to balance cost impact on critical sectors and sections of the society. Against my hopes, every time, students have debated it just like our politicians who have kept the

Wendy Doniger was wrong

I am ill-read. I don’t know a ‘good’ book from a ‘bad’ one. And but for the wife, who is far better read than I, the bookshelves at home would have been stacked with a Chekhov or a Dostoevsky or a Tagore next to Leon Uris or a Andrea Camilleri or a Satyajit Ray (not to say, for the life of me, that any of them are either good or bad). And then, perhaps, a copy or t

1984 vs 2002: either way, cry, my beloved country

It is almost as if the next Indian elections are going to be based on Riot vs Riot. Like the 1984 riots linked to the Congress will be pitted against the BJP stigma of involvement in the Godhra riots of 2002 and the trading of insult will rise to a piercing crescendo.  It is like my daddy is bigger than your daddy has become the leitmotif for the next power era.  Now that the

Visionary Talk: Amitabh Gupta, Pune Police Commissioner with Kailashnath Adhikari, MD, Governance Now


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